Post by Alex GibsonPost by ~~ VerilogMan ~~Hello,
I am thinking of buiying this graphic display.
It has a 4 analog I/O for the touch screen, and 18 I/O (the
specidications are on the link "Data Sheet")
I have a VERY hard time trying to figure the best microcontroller to
interface it with a desktop computer on the serial port.
If you could take a look at
(Microcontrollers section) and tell me wich one is the easiest / most
efficient, i would appreciate big time !
Thanks guys!
Just make sure what ever you choose has enough IO.
Your going to need 24 IO at minimum + other functions you may want
like serial(rs232) connection so - 22 for the screen , 2 for usart tx and rx
assuming you want to use the touchscreen ?
+ maybe a temp sensor ? (is this for a fan controller/pc monitor ?)
Ok, the touchscreen is like an input for the RS232 port. And it is a 4 wire
system. And there are 18 other inputs... So for sure , there are 22 , + more
? yes i want to use RS232 too.
Post by Alex Gibsonalso what are you going to display / run on the screen ?
Will it need updating often ?
The computer will send through the RS232 port the display. It won't change
often at all.
This is what I want to do :
The display is divided for example in 4 sections. In each row there is like
a text. For example :
First row: "Hello This is..."
Next row "I love electronics" ,
Next row "I love you"
Next row "I love hockey"
and one last row with and arrow.
What I want to do :
When I am typing something for example, in wordpad, and when I hit with my
finger the first row, the whole text "Hello This is.." get copied ...
Or if I do "I love electronics" the whole text get copied ...
AND when I hit the arrow, it will go to another set of quotes.
Now i thought this was gonna be easy ... But no :)
So as you see it does not a lot of updating at all .. just when you hit the
next row I guess.
Post by Alex Gibsonpic , avr, msp430, arm7(philips , sharp etc) , 8051, scenix
or even basic stamp
Either pick one you have some knowledge of
or one that has the cheapest and easiest to use tools
That is exactly why I asked the question on the forum ,is to try to figure
out which one would be the easiest ! : /
I don't know any of these controllers. I want the one doing the best the job
and the easiest for me. I know we can use C , or ASM , ....
I know programming, (C, ASM ...) . I think C is the way to go ? For the
librairies and all that ?
Post by Alex GibsonAlso what package do you want to work with ?
dip or surface mount ?
Now I never heard of this terminilogy ? Does that mean that the controller
comes without anything, or with a borad or something ?
Post by Alex GibsonWhat language are you looking to us ?
asm , c , basic , forth , pascal ?
I would avoid asm, but c, basic, forth, pascal are pretty much alike ... I
guess C has the most suport ?
Post by Alex Gibsonpic has free forth , pascal(jal) and c compilers(limited versions of
commerical product)
asm is free
avr has free forth c and basic compilers(bascom avr lite - limited version)
asm is free
same with msp430 , 8051 and arm7(made by a varitety of manufacturers).
Depending on your requirements
maybe a atmega16, or 32 or 162
or pic16f877/877A
pic18f452 , 448 , 442 , 458
some cheap boards here
even Philips lpc2106 or lpc2129
For pics
Someone already adised me to use AtMega 128 ... do you think it's good
depending of everything I said above ?
Thank you a lot for your help